10 Dog Breeds That Need A Lot Of Exercises

While all dogs need exercise, some definitely require more activity than others. If you are a marathon runner or want an agility dog, one of these breeds may fit you just fine.

1. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador is the most popular dog breed in the United States. They were designed to literally retrieve, and are highly active.

2. Golden Retriever

Another extremely popular breed in America, the Golden Retriever is great for hunting and known for their love of swimming. They’ll have no problem keeping you on your feet.

3. Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is a herding dog, with a bundle of energy. If they’re a companion, they need a lot of exercise to supplement their lack of work.

4. Border Collie

Border Collies love to work, and it’s no secret that dogs that love to work have a lot of energy and need a lot of exercise. They’re also another sheep-herding dog!

5. Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are highly athletic. They were bred to pull sleds hundreds of miles in Alaska. They’re a great match for a high-intensity winter athlete.

6. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one breed that is still highly utilized for work. When we think of police dogs, bomb-sniffing dogs, and military dogs…the most common is the German Shepherd. Any breed that is capable of what they’re capable of and needs excessive exercise.

7. Boston Terrier

They might be small, but don’t be mistaken, they are fierce little canines. They’re built, strong, and energetic, and definitely not for the barely active lifestyle. They need to burn their never-ending energy as often as possible.

8. Jack Russell Terrier

Another small breed, with a large breed energy reserve, is the Jack Russell Terrier. Originally bred to hunt foxes, these dogs need constant activity to fulfill their needs as fearless predators.

9. Irish Setter

None to be mischievous, as most high-energy dog breeds are, Irish Setters are intense athletes. If you’re looking for an athlete companion, they definitely qualify.

10. Boxer

Bred to be a guard dog, the Boxer is an incredibly active breed that is hard to keep up with.

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