The 10 Stinkiest Dog Breeds

Every dog lover knows the importance of giving a dog a bath. However, there are some dogs that can’t stop smelling no matter how many times you bathe them. The fact remains that dogs are the perfect pet and no degree of smell can change that.

1. Beagles

The Beagle is another smelling hound. They hunt in packs and have a practically offensive dog odor that helps them track other pack members when on a hunt. Beagles have an oily, close coat like every other hound. They have very long ears that help may get infected if they aren’t properly maintained.

2. Saint Bernards

This dog is best known for its projectile drooling. It is at a very high risk of stench if their face and neck accumulate too much saliva. Apart from that, there is a thick double coat and their active outdoor lifestyle contribute to the smell.

3. English Bulldog

Bulldogs are usually prone to misalignment of the teeth which leads to tooth decay. The teeth of an English bulldog need continuous attention as neglect can lead to buildups and even infection.

4. Pugs

Pugs are known for their extreme gassiness that is usually as a result of their pushed-in snouts. They have deep facial wrinkles that can hold gunk and food. The smell terribly and need regular maintenance of their anal glands.

5. Bloodhound

The Bloodhound is a noble breed. It has long ears that are always prone to infection as a result of injury. When this happens, the dog begins to smell even worse than before. Regular bathing may help, but you have to be willing to endure the smell.

6. Yorkie Terrier

The Yorkie breed is a beautiful dog with a bad smell. It has a long glamorous coat that stores up dirt when not regularly maintained. Regular trims and bathing would go a long way to reducing the smell. The Yorkie’s signature hairy ears require regular and meticulous cleaning to avoid infection.

7. Boxers

Boxers are listed here for only one reason only: flatulence. Like all other flat-faced dogs, boxers swallow air when eating, and prefer a particular slow-feed dish.

8. Cockers Spaniel

A Cocker’s has long signature ears that are always prone to infection. The more the infection spreads, the more the Cocker smells. The coat of the Cocker has a very oily coat and so it can easily attract dirt and smell.

9. Shar Pei’s

This dog breed has distinctive wrinkles on its face that are mainly caused by high level of hyaluron in their skin. Shar Pei’s can endure and survive when afflicted with a condition known as hereditary cutaneous hyaluronsis. When this happens, the skin begins to develop blisters and hyaluron. This infection can lead to regular offensive odor.

10. Basset Hounds

The basset hounds are prone to ear infections as a result of their long ears. This gives them a serious odor. An oily hound coat that has a lot of loose skin folds needs to be bathed frequently to stay fresh, as well.

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