Top 10 Dog Breeds That Are The Most Difficult to Train

When you adopt a new dog, it can be challenging to know where to start. You might also wonder which dog breeds are the hardest to train, and while there’s more to it than their breed alone, some are more difficult to train than others. However, no matter how difficult it is to train a particular breed, dedicated owners can still have excellent companions. But you probably want to know what you’re getting yourself into when choosing a difficult breed to train.

1. Beagles

We don’t deny that beagles are adorable, fun dogs, but they can be challenging to train. They have extremely high energy levels, and their hyperactive nature typically prevents them from learning and listening to your commands. They also love to bark, which is a downside for most pet owners and their neighbors. Beagles can also quickly develop weight issues if their exercise needs are not met.

2. Rottweilers

The first impression you are likely to get with a Rottweiler is their massive size. Although they are beautiful dogs, they can look rather intimidating. However, while they may get a bad reputation sometimes, they are some of the most loyal dogs. Unfortunately, without proper training, Rottweilers can become too protective of their family and lash out at others for no apparent reason.

3. American Pit Bull Terriers

The public opinion of pit bulls is generally negative. This breed is among the most aggressively defended and the rescue world, but it tends to be quite challenging to train. However, they can be some of the most loyal, friendly, and loving dogs, even with their temperament.

4. Siberian Huskies

While huskies are some of the most beautiful dogs you’ll find, that doesn’t mean they aren’t without their difficulties. Siberian Huskies are highly active, particularly as puppies, and require dedicated training. They are also working dogs, meaning they need to have a job to be satisfied. When bored, they will act out, making them difficult dogs for average owners.

5. Bullmastiffs

If you’ve ever seen a Bullmastiff, you know just how large they are, and they can easily overpower a full-grown person with little effort. However, they are generally people-pleasers and relatively docile. The primary issue with this breed is that they don’t typically get along well with other dogs. Training is difficult because, when you run into problems with them being stubborn, there’s little you can do because of their massive size. In addition, they often have trouble understanding the role of a pet.

6. Chinese Shar-Pei

By looking at a Chinese Shar-Pei, you would never think that these cuddly-looking pups would be so difficult to train. However, they are not typically thought of as a friendly breed and have difficulty socializing. Whether it’s with other animals or people, social interactions are not this breed’s strong suit.

7. Afghan Hounds

Afghan Hounds are an intelligent breed, and their personality is often compared to that of a cat. They tend to do whatever they want and often ignore their owner’s commands and prompts. One of the most difficult challenges of training an Afghan Hound is that they will seem to take well to training at first, but later they might decide they no longer want to listen.

8. Basset Hounds

One thing that Basset Hounds are known for is being difficult to house train. It’s a process that takes longer than with other breeds, leading to many frustrations for owners, their families, and their household. Basset Hounds will also follow their nose everywhere, usually disregarding any of your commands. While obviously frustrating, they feel the need to find the source of what they smell no matter what.

9. Bulldogs

A popular breed, Bulldogs are lovable and fun but also stubborn. You might think all they do is eat, sleep, and eat some more, making them a laid-back companion. However, their relaxed nature means they often don’t want to listen to you either. You can train them, but it will likely take much more work than with other breeds, even if Bulldogs don’t require as much activity.

10. Chow Chows

Trying to train a Chow Chow to behave correctly is a daunting task for any owner. This breed is known for being dominant and stubborn. Their temperament also leans toward aggressiveness, particularly with other animals and strangers.

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