Top 10 Most Popular Hound Dog Breeds

Hounds have long been a good friend of man, they are loyal and ready to follow their owners wherever they go. In the old days, their main job was to join the hunt with their owners. Therefore, they possess many special qualities such as extremely sensitive smell, durable and abundant physique, rare agility and outstanding intelligence. Let’s find out the list of the most popular hunting dogs in the world.

1. Beagle

As one of the hunting dogs possessing special qualities and an extremely lovely appearance, the Beagle has always been a favorite breed of many people. With a height of only 25 – 30 cm and a weight of 10 – 20 kg, they are extremely suitable for weaving into tight places.

2. Poodle

If you are only used to looking at cute little poodles and don’t think that they were once great hunting dogs, think again. In terms of swimming talent, there is hardly any other hunting dog that can match them. They are used to hunting aquatic animals. Today, due to their changing nature, they are gradually used as pets, as pets.

3. Afghan Hound

If only looking at their appearance, it is a beautiful, elegant and aristocratic dogs. But in fact, they are very useful hunting dogs in Afghanistan, because behind that elegant appearance is a terrifying speed. Their main target is agile squirrels, so it is imperative that they also be more agile.

4. Rat Terrier

Is a fairly popular dog breed in the United States in the 1920s to 1930s with a mouse-hunting instinct that is not inferior to that of a cat. With a weight of only 5 – more than 10 kg and a height of 20 – 30 cm, they are extremely suitable for hunting hidden rats. Because it only hunts mice, the personality of this hunting dog is also relatively gentle, so it is very suitable for keeping in the house. They are easy to train and can get used to your child quickly.

5. BloodHound

This is a famous hunting dog with extremely sensitive sniffing ability and extremely tough and durable health. They are highly appreciated by police agencies and crime-tracing organizations and prioritized for use in tracking. Bloodstains or scents of some sort, even after weeks had passed they weren’t too difficult for them.

6. Basset Hound

As a dog with a similar appearance to a sausage, short legs and a long body, the Basset Hound is one of the most popular hunting dogs. The reason is because of their ability to smell, although short and short legs are like that, but it is also an advantage for them in scent hunting.

7. Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Hound was originally bred for war use. Later, when the war ended, they were converted to protect livestock, especially against wolves. Although their work is wild, their nature is also quite gentle.

8. Whippet

Is one of the hunting dog breeds with the most outstanding feature of speed and is also the fastest dog breed in the world. Long legs, arched back, sunken belly, enlarged chest… the elements of an agile dog are all present here.

9. Borzoi

Similar to the Irish terrier, the Borzoi is a dog of Russian origin and it is also used to fight wolves. With a tall, slender appearance, the Borzoi is also a dog with speed rather than the ability to sniff.

10. Basenji

The highlight of Basenji is that he is quiet and very quiet. Previously, they were a guide in the forests and also a dog that alerted humans when there were wild animals. Although they are small, they are relatively stubborn and difficult to train if you are not a professional trainer.

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